Posted by: alpharwath | October 5, 2008

I’m back – what I missed the most!

My goodness, its been like 2 months since I blogged. My constant source of internet was unreliable and I gave up on it. Now I have done something about it and hopefully I should join the blogosphere in analyzing our daily affairs. In those two months I have had a very busy time plus been in a road accident that has currently put me off work until mid-October.

Feel realy bad that I can’t really blog now on some crucial issues that have passed, like:

Obama-McCain debate and Palin-Joe Biden debate: I’m unashamadely democrat and have supported the Dem’s since the days of Bill Clinton. McCain was quite condescending towards Obama and Obama was quite respectful. Mc Cain and Obama both displayed extensive knowlegde on the issues. Sarah Palin shocked us all with an above average performance and she did keep her head up. Republican advisors must have really coached her. I think she performed quite well on all issues except (and ofcourse) Foreign Policy. Joe Biden was quite respectful towards her and also displayed his immense knowledge and experience on foreign policy matters – heck, he is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If Obama-Biden lose,I will be in shock.

National Youth Convention IV – Took place on September 19th and 20th and was graced by His Excellency the Right Hon. Prime MInister as well as the MInister of Justice. The convention brought over 1,000 youth from all over the country and crucial resolutions were made for major interventions into public policy. The event was supported by the National Response Initiative and MARS Group Kenya amongst others. The implementation of the resolutions as well as the transition of leadership in the youth movement are eagerly awaited for by the young people of Kenya . There is impetus to re-direct youth energies towards crucial economic issues such as employment, poverty, corruption, business etc alongside the hard core political issues.

The dynamic Kenyan politics – ODM revolt by Rift Valley MPs and other internal wrangles, Martha Karua’s presidential campaign, the still-born PNU membership drive, the Cockar Commission, the Kriegler Commission, the Waki Commission etc. Ofcourse, I will be commenting on more current issues both under the aforementioned topics and others.

International Politics –  SA politics (Jacob Zuma is really flexing his muscles as ANC Chairman but SA still want Mbeki to mediate the Zimbabwe crisis), Zimbabwe deadlock – after saying that they would not want to beocme like Kenya, Zimbabwe had a sham election, Mugabe was declared president and sowrn in, a grey headed African statesman helped them negotiate a coalition government and now Mugabe and Tsvangirai can’t agree on some cabinet ministries-they still don’t want to become like Kenya? Kenya moved on. We can only urge Zimbabwe to catch up!; US Economic Crisis – only hope that this shifts the world power to another country and teaches American’s to vote wisely next time; UN General Assembly.

Church/Faith issues – NCCK’s General Assembly,PCEA wrangles, Mavuno’s out-of-the-box marketing,Ray Boltz….

I’m back.

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